You Won’t Recognize Pamela Anderson Without Makeup

One of the inevitable things in life is the fact that all of us get older. We may be remembered for some of the things we did when we were younger but age takes its toll on all of us.

Sometimes, a person who was an influencer when they were younger may not quite have the same influence now that they are older. Pamela Anderson is one of those individuals, especially since she was always known for her beauty and figure.

These days, Pamela Anderson certainly has gotten older but you might even say that she has gotten better. If there is one thing that she isn’t lacking, it’s self-confidence, and she is showing the world how it’s done.

Anderson may have been pretty when she was younger but the photos she has been posting lately show that she is still a beauty down to this day. Those Instagram pictures show her without any makeup, and with her natural hair. She even shows her freckles!

Many people prefer to wear makeup, particularly as they get older because they want to hide the wrinkles and other flaws that may come with age. Anderson, however, has a different idea and she is showing us all a thing or two.

She said: “I’d rather show my freckles… It’s fun getting old. It’s a relief. And at a certain age, we just look younger and fresher without makeup. This is me—I’m happy with who I am right now. It’s a new world, and I’m very grateful for all of the love.”

Although she doesn’t spend a lot of money on beauty products, she does spend money on self-care. She said:

“While we push our limits out of our comfort zone, self-care is important.”

She gets massages regularly, oxygenated facials, and does Pilates. She also does stretching and walks in the park regularly.

In her estimation, happiness is the best beauty trick. She went on to say: “Being brave is sexy. Feeling the fear and doing it anyway.”

If that wasn’t enough to inspire you, then these words, spoken by Anderson, should: “Fighting for freedom starts with one’s own freedom. Life is a privilege not to be taken lightly.”

Anderson is not worried about aging now that she is approaching her 56th birthday. She said that we all want to look the best we can but she hasn’t been a big worrier about her looks.

I think that many of us could learn something from her, whether we are young or old.

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