A Life Changed by Clean Feet Dr. JimNduruchi in african.

I think we all can agree that most little bugs are terrible pests. They buzz, they swarm, they’re creepy-crawly, and sometimes they bite. But if you’ve ever complained about a mosquito bite or a small bee sting, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Jiggersare horrible little bugs that not only bite, they burrow into your skin and can cause deadly infections or loss of a limb.

The Manasseh Kinship Project knows these bugs are serious business because many of the members of the church have personally experienced the pain and shame jiggers bring. Because of this empathy, the Manasseh Kinship Project decided to serve their community by helping their neighbors get rid of their jiggers.

Little boy at a Kinship in KenyaOne of the boys they served was Isaac Sasaka. Isaac had so many jiggers in his feet, they were swollen and difficult to look at. Nevertheless, the members of Manasseh removed the jiggers and washed Isaac’s feet. They gave him medicine for the inflammation and shoes. Isaac’s body slowly started to heal.

But the jiggers weren’t Isaac’s only sore.

Manasseh Kinship Project not only cleaned his physical wounds but also invited Isaac


into their family and began to heal his emotional wounds. If it wouldn’t have been for the Manasseh Kinship Project’s dedication to serving their community, they may have never met Isaac and he might not have found his forever home.

Isaac lives at the Manasseh Kinship Home, and he is continuing to heal and grow every day. Isaac is going to school and building relationships with the caregivers and other children at the Kinship Home. And most importantly, Isaac is growing in a relationship with God and his church community.

Watch Full Video Here 👇 

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