Man suffered horrific consequences after taking 1,176 ibuprofen tablets in just one month

A man consumed over 1,176 ibuprofen tablets in just one month, leading to severe health complications.

GettyImages-155015320.jpgA man popped over 1,000 pills within a month. Credit: Peter Dazeley / Getty

A YouTuber who goes by the handle @Chubbyemu recounted the experience of a 34-year-old avid runner known as “SB”.

SB began using ibuprofen to manage his discomfort due to frequent aches and pains from his running hobby.

At first, he followed the normal dosage, which was popping one or two tablets a few times a day. But then he quickly increased his intake, swallowing seven tablets daily, and eventually escalating to a shocking 28 tablets a day – well beyond the recommended limit of six 200mg pills per day for adults.

Watch the video below:The man misinterpreted the guidance on the medication as he thought more pills would equate to better pain relief.

After weeks of excessive ibuprofen use, he began experiencing troubling symptoms, including chest pains that “felt stuck in his chest.” He decided not to seek medical help and instead tried to ease the pain by taking even more pills.

Eventually, his body could no longer cope as SB started vomiting blood, became dizzy, and had trouble urinating, forcing him to seek emergency medical attention.

Doctors diagnosed SB with haematemesis, which is a “sign of internal bleeding from the upper portion of your digestive tract – the esophagus, stomach, and first portion of your small intestine called the duodenum,” perΒ Cleveland Clinic.

The tests revealed that his pill use had caused severe ulcers in his esophagus and stomach, which were bleeding. To make matters worse, his kidneys were also failing due to the stress of processing such a high volume of medication.

Thankfully, medical intervention saved SB’s life, and he eventually made a full recovery.

GettyImages-2152715441.jpgThe man started vomiting blood, became dizzy, and had trouble urinating after consuming over 1000 pills. Credit: Pawel Wewiorski / Getty

The shocking story sparked widespread discussion on YouTube, with viewers expressing disbelief at SB’s actions.

“I honestly have no idea how some people don’t tell their doctor about the 1000 ibuprofen tablets they have taken when being admitted for severe symptoms. Whenever I go to the doctor with mild symptoms my anxiety makes me share every medication I have even thought of taking in the last two months,” one user wrote.

Another chimed in: “It is actually unbelievable to me that people like this not only exist, but live long enough to make it to adulthood,” while a third added: “His ‘entire course of meds’ thought might have been excusable if it wasn’t A THOUSAND PILLS IN A MONTH. This man is truly something else and I’m amazed he survived.”

SB’s story serves as a stark warning about the dangers of overusing medications like ibuprofen as it can lead to devastating consequences.

Featured image credit: Grace Cary / Getty

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