My Husband Took $10,000 from My Inheritance to Pay for His Entitled Mom’s Full Facelift


When my grandmother left me $50,000, I thought it was the fresh start my husband Jason and I needed after years of heartbreak and infertility struggles. But little did I know, his mother Sharon had her eyes on my inheritance.

“It finally happened,” I said softly, still trying to wrap my mind around the moment.

A woman with a shy smile | Source: Unsplash

A woman with a shy smile | Source: Unsplash

Jason looked up from his phone, half-interested. “What did?”

I held the letter close to my chest. It was a simple piece of paper, but it carried so much weight. “The money came through. Grandma’s inheritance—fifty thousand dollars. We could finally start looking for a house.”

Jason blinked, setting his phone down on the arm of the couch. “Oh, wow. That’s great.”

A man on his phone | Source: Pexels

A man on his phone | Source: Pexels

We’d been married for five years, and they hadn’t been easy years. Infertility had tested us—rounds of treatments, countless doctors, and the endless emotional rollercoaster of hope and heartbreak. It was hard not to feel like everything we wanted was always slipping just out of reach.

But now, with the inheritance, it felt like we could finally move forward. We could leave behind the constant disappointment and start fresh.

A hopeful woman praying | Source: Pexels

A hopeful woman praying | Source: Pexels

The next morning, I made the mistake of mentioning the inheritance while we were visiting Sharon, my mother-in-law.

“Fifty thousand?” Sharon repeated, her eyes lighting up in a way that made my skin crawl. “Well, isn’t that something! What a blessing.”

“It really is,” I said cautiously. “We’ve been wanting to buy a house for so long, and this will help us finally get there.”

A blonde woman | Source: Midjourney

A blonde woman | Source: Midjourney

“Oh, a house, sure.” Sharon smiled, but there was something sly in her expression. “That’s wonderful, honey. But, you know…” She trailed off, smoothing a strand of her over-bleached hair behind her ear. “Jason and I were just talking the other day. I’ve been thinking about getting a little facelift. You know, tighten things up a bit.”

I forced a smile, hoping to steer the conversation away from dangerous waters. “Oh? You’ve been saying that for years.”

A woman with a forced smile | Source: Unsplash

A woman with a forced smile | Source: Unsplash

She gave me a knowing smile. “Well, it feels like the right time now. And I deserve it, don’t I?”

“You look great, Sharon,” I said politely, hoping that would end it.

That evening, Jason was unusually quiet, his face buried in his phone. I could tell something was weighing on him, but I didn’t want to push. He’d always had trouble standing up to his mother, and I knew these conversations about her facelift were probably stressing him out.

A serious man | Source: Pexels

A serious man | Source: Pexels

Later, I walked past the living room and overheard him on the phone, his voice low and careful.

“Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll handle it.”

A few days later, I found Sharon sprawled on our couch, flipping through a glossy magazine filled with photos of women who didn’t look a day over thirty.

“Hey, Sharon,” I greeted her, forcing a smile.

A smiling dark-haired woman | Source: Freepik

A smiling dark-haired woman | Source: Freepik

She barely glanced up. “Oh, hi, sweetheart. Just doing a little research. It’s about time I did something for myself.”

I glanced at the headline on the page she was reading: “The Best Facelift Clinics Near You.”

I nodded slowly, fighting the uneasy feeling settling in my stomach. “Jason’s okay with this?”

“Oh, Jason thinks it’s a great idea!” she said, grinning.

My chest tightened. Something was definitely off.

A blonde woman with a smug face | Source: Midjourney

A blonde woman with a smug face | Source: Midjourney

That night, Jason came into the kitchen while I was washing dishes, looking far too pleased with himself.

“Guess what?” he said, leaning on the counter.

“What?” I asked, dreading the answer.

“Mom booked her facelift! Next week.”

I froze, my hands still in the warm water. “You’re serious?”

A shocked woman | Source: Unsplash

A shocked woman | Source: Unsplash

He nodded enthusiastically. “Yep. She’s really excited.”

“You didn’t think to discuss this with me first?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

Jason gave me an annoyed look. “It’s not like we’re paying for it.”

I felt a wave of relief, but it was short-lived. Something told me it wasn’t that simple.

A few days later, as I was going through some papers at the dining table, I saw it: the bank statement.

A shocked woman looking at papers | Source: Midjourney

A shocked woman looking at papers | Source: Midjourney

My hands trembled as I scanned the page.

A $10,000 withdrawal.

From my inheritance account.

Jason walked in just as I set the paper down, my hands shaking with anger.

“You took ten thousand dollars?” I asked, my voice dangerously low.

A couple arguing | Source: Pexels

A couple arguing | Source: Pexels

Jason looked at me like I was overreacting. “It’s not a big deal.”

“Not a big deal?” I repeated, my voice rising. “That was for our house, Jason!”

He shrugged. “It’s just a little help for Mom. She needed it.”

“She needed it?” I could hardly believe my ears. “What about us? What about our plans? You didn’t even ask me!”

A woman clutching her head | Source: Pexels

A woman clutching her head | Source: Pexels

Jason rolled his eyes. “You’re blowing this way out of proportion. It’s just money.”

I stared at him, stunned by how casually he dismissed my dreams.

That night, after Jason went to bed, I sat alone in the living room, fuming. He thought he could take my money, brush it off, and get away with it.

But he was wrong.

A woman thinking | Source: Pexels

A woman thinking | Source: Pexels

This wasn’t over.

An idea sparked—a mischievous, deliciously wicked plan. If Sharon wanted to look young so badly, I would make sure she got all the attention she craved.

I created a fake Instagram account that night, complete with a profile photo of a glowing, fresh-faced woman who could pass as an influencer in the beauty world. I named her “Kendra” and filled the bio with hashtags like #YouthfulGlow, #MomGoals, and #AgelessStyle.

A woman on her phone | Source: Pexels

A woman on her phone | Source: Pexels

I tagged Jason in a couple of the posts—just subtle enough to get his attention but not so much that he would suspect anything. I imagined the way he’d glance at his phone, confused by the notifications, and maybe even think I’d finally come around to supporting his mom’s obsession.

Once the profile had a handful of posts and some traction, it was time to go in for the kill. I sent Sharon a private message, pretending to be Kendra.

An influencer posing on the steps | Source: Pexels

An influencer posing on the steps | Source: Pexels

“Hi, Sharon! I heard from Jason that you’re thinking about a facelift 💕 I’d love to connect you with a clinic offering exclusive discounts this month. They have a ‘Bring a Friend’ special where you get 20% off if you refer someone! 😘 #MommyMakeover”

It didn’t take long for her to bite. Within an hour, she responded.

“Sounds amazing!! Tell me more about the discount.”

A smiling woman on her phone | Source: Freepik

A smiling woman on her phone | Source: Freepik

I grinned. Hook, line, and sinker.

I fed her more nonsense, going on about the “VIP experience” and “limited-time offers,” all while stifling the urge to laugh out loud. The best part? She ate up every word, thrilled by the idea that she was getting something exclusive.

With everything in place, it was time to move on to the grand finale—the send-off party.

A woman jotting down notes on a calendar | Source: Pexels

A woman jotting down notes on a calendar | Source: Pexels

The day of Sharon’s “transformation” arrived, and I threw myself into preparing for the event. I turned our living room into a shrine of ridiculousness.

I printed huge posters with Sharon’s face edited onto airbrushed models—women with exaggerated cheekbones, enormous lips, and impossibly smooth skin. Beneath the images, I added captions like, “From Mom to Model!” and “Finally Ready for the Spotlight!”

A blonde model | Source: Pexels

A blonde model | Source: Pexels

Guests began to arrive, drawn by the promise of an afternoon of celebration. Jason greeted everyone, grinning like a proud son. He had no idea what was coming.

Eventually, he strolled into the living room, taking in the decorations for the first time. His face darkened as he studied the posters. The moment the absurdity hit him—his mother’s photos plastered everywhere, her name tied to all these over-the-top beauty jokes—I saw the panic spread across his features.

A shocked man | Source: Pexels

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