Baby Seal Acts Strange. Zookeeper Gets Fired After Boss Sees CCTV Footage


John has been a zookeeper for years, devoted to the seals in his care, especially a newborn seal pup he’d grown particularly fond of.

One day, this baby seal started showing unusual signs, behaving oddly and appearing to shed tears, which alarmed John deeply.

He reported the behavior to his supervisor, who decided to review the CCTV footage for any clues to the pup’s condition.

However, what the footage revealed led to an outcome John never anticipated: his immediate dismissal.

John was fired


“What do you mean I’m fired?!” John confusedly asked his boss. “I’m sorry, John. You gave me no other choice,”

his boss said as he folded his hands together. He had just watched the CCTV footage of the baby seal’s enclosure after John had urged him to. “

You have the rest of the day to pack your things and leave.”

Not ready to let it go


John couldn’t believe it. All he had wanted was to find out why the seal had been acting so distressed, and now he was the one getting fired.

He had absolutely nothing to do with it! Working as a zookeeper was the best job John had ever had, and he was not ready to let it go just yet.

Sneaking into the office

While his boss was in a meeting, John sneaked into his office to look at the footage himself. When he finally saw what had been happening in the baby seal’s enclosure, his eyes grew wide with shock.

This had to stop, and John was going to make that happen.

But why did his boss fire John? What did they see in the footage? And what had happened to the baby seal?

A social hub

The local zoo was a social hub for many families. Everyone loved going there, but most of them only came for the seals.

Every day around twelve, they would put on a little mealtime show for the visitors, showing off their jumping skills and waving at the children standing front row.

It was something John looked forward to almost every day.

Something wasn’t right


John was the show master, having thought the seals almost all their tricks. They trusted John and knew he would never do anything to harm them.

But one Wednesday morning, while getting ready for the show, John noticed something wasn’t right with the youngest baby seal.

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