18 People Who Didn’t Know Their Family Members Are Capable of Such Shenanigans

Perhaps everyone has family members who sometimes behave in a really weird way. And the heroes of this article decided to tell about their relatives’ shenanigans and quirks. And in the bonus section, you’ll find a real story where a man decided to forgive his own debt and go on living like he never had it.

  • My fiancée and I decided against a big wedding. We just wanted to get married and that’s it, and spend this money on travelling. Her parents said, “We’ll just come to the registry office.” I was against it, but I didn’t want to upset my future wife and agreed.
    In the end, all the relatives from her side came, about 20 people. We had to urgently rent a restaurant, because the guests demanded a party. Of course, the restaurant cost a lot of money. Everything we’d saved up for the trip was spent on this “sudden celebration.” © fpsLexa / Pikabu
  • Once, we left our 5-month-old twins with my mother-in-law. We come back and see the picture: the son is in her arms, and the daughter is at her feet on the floor, choking with tears. The mother-in-law explained that she couldn’t hold 2 babies at once, and added, “Well, he is a boy, and she is a future woman, she has to learn to cope with inconveniences.” © Tatiana Pisareva / ADME
  • My husband nibbles on everything and doesn’t finish it. He opens a package of waffles, eats 2 of them, and the rest will lie just there until hell freezes over. At lunch, he’ll open a chocolate bar and not finish it, and marshmallows after dinner.
    As a result, the whole table is piled with opened packages of something. After a couple of weeks, the mountain of these leftovers is everywhere, and he forgets about them and buys new ones. © Mother of Many Cots / ADME

“My girlfriend never finishes her drinks, but keeps buying new ones anyways.”

  • I had to return to work full-time when the baby was about a year old. I left my daughter mostly with my husband or my mother. But sometimes my mother-in-law stayed with her.
    On a day like this, I was going to work, and my daughter was crying, clinging to me. And my mother-in-law calmed her down, saying, “Oh, why do you need this mother? What’s the use of her? It’s not a big loss if she leaves for good. She leaves you like that, so she doesn’t need you, and you shouldn’t cling to her!” And she says these things right in front of me to my own child!
    Well, I didn’t hold back. I reminded my mother-in-law that I’m not going to the dances or to a beauty salon, I go to work to earn money, as the child needs to eat. And her son forgets about it, so I have to work for 2 of us (my husband was out of work for a long time at that time). © CatKate / ADME
  • Once a relative advised me to marry the first guy I meet and then divorce him. I quote, “The status of a divorced woman in our society is higher than the status of a single woman.” © Olga Surkova / ADME
  • I was getting married. My husband had already been married before, and I was getting married for the first time. We agreed that we’d take care of our wedding gowns separately. I bought myself a dress, shoes and other small things, made an appointment with a makeup artist, found a location for a photo shoot, a photographer, and booked everything.
    I asked my future husband how things were with the suit and shoes. And he said, “I’ll wear a suit from my previous wedding!” Like, why buying a new one? I told him that he’d have to marry a bride from his previous wedding too in this case! He bought a new suit… © Overheard / Ideer
  • Me and my ex were already well into the relationship, and he had never introduced me to his parents, he claimed that his family was very messy and that he couldn’t introduce me to his mother.
    Then, in the fifth month of the relationship, he told me that he is still together with his ex, but only because his ex’s family gives him money and considers them almost his family, and he also said that I don’t have to be afraid, there is nothing between him and his ex. © Leshy2746 / Reddit

“What my sister did to the butter.”

  • My mother-in-law demanded that we pay half of their electricity bill. Because they bought a freezer, and it’s expensive for them. And we would freeze fruit and vegetables in their freezer for the winter.
    But we lived separately, in our own flat, and they didn’t discuss the purchase of a freezer with us at all. And we weren’t going to freeze anything. © Elena / ADME
  • My mum planned a surprise trip abroad with my entire family without telling me. My work is refusing me time off and my family is going to go without me. I’ve told my mum repeatedly that I need to give a minimum month of notice to my work if I’m to go on holiday, but she’s just told me that she’s booked a holiday for us in 2 weeks with zero notice.
    My work is refusing to let me go because it’s “too short notice” even though I haven’t used any of my holiday time yet. My mum says she doesn’t wanna cancel it because it’ll upset my sister, so they’re going to go without me if I can’t get time off work. © EEZAK04 / Reddit
  • My mother-in-law moved all the stuff in the house while I was in maternity hospital. And on my return, I had to go on a search quest with a baby in my arms. © Mum Darling / ADME
  • My aunt reminded me that I didn’t invite my cousin (her son) to my wedding. How could I have done it if he was in prison at the time? Should I have organized his prison break? © IamNOTaHATER / Pikabu

“My parents’ TV is so blue, and they think it’s fine.”

  • My boss from my last job was quite rich. Her niece got married, and they had a daughter with bronchial allergies. And they had to take her to the seaside every year. The boss gave her niece money for a holiday at the sea every year.
    At first, they modestly accepted the money, then carefully inquired whether she would help them financially. But after a while, the boss’s sister got cancer, her husband fell down the stairs at the country house and had a surgery on his leg and then rehabilitation. In short, the aunt informs her niece that she won’t give her any more money.
    And then the niece gets carried away: like, how so, you won’t give us money? We have already planned the holiday and promised our daughter to go to the sea! They said, “Don’t you feel sorry for the child? You’re just heartless!” So, the boss just blocked them. © OlgaLeo / Pikabu
  • At my friend’s wedding, her parents staged a “funny performance” on the topic of “finally getting rid of our daughter.” They made a lot of jokes about how useless she is, and how happy the parents are that she is not “their headache” anymore.
    They are now very resentful that their daughter doesn’t want to talk to them anymore. To all their questions (for example, how are you?), she replies, “It’s not your headache anymore.” © ZamioCulcaas / Pikabu
  • One day, after a corporate event, my husband came home in a nasty state. We had a fight and my husband, offended, decided to go to his mum’s house for the night. A little later, my mother-in-law calls me and begins to shame me that her son had to walk in the cold because of me, and further I quote, “What if he falls and falls asleep? It’s okay, if he dies, but what if he becomes disabled?”
    I was shocked at the time! I told my husband about it later, and he didn’t believe me. He said his mum couldn’t say such a thing. © Sunny Fluffy / ADME
  • My sister’s mother-in-law was invited to a family gathering. All the other relatives have already come, but my nephew’s grandmother is still not there, and doesn’t pick up the phone! We were restless and worried about what might have happened.
    And then (2 hours later) she came. She said that on the way she decided to visit a presentation of cosmetics. And she didn’t answer the phone because it wasn’t polite. © Creeping / ADME

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